Rosemary McCorvey

Lip Blush Preparation & Aftercare Instructions


 Lip Blush Aftercare Instructions

DAYS 1 – 7:

·      For the first day, blot away the excess lymph fluid that builds up on the surface of your lips. Lymph fluid is produced during the healing process, this fluid causes scabs to form, therefore blotting with a warm damp cloth every hour or as your lips get dry is crucial.

·      Gently wash your lips using the provided gentle cleanser every morning and night and after every meal.

·      Apply the healing ointment every 30 minutes, everyday for 7 days.


·      Getting your lips wet outside of the instructed cleansing times. This includes: swimming, baths, saunas, steam, and excess sweating etc.

·      Makeup products, oils, and skincare products on or around your lips.

·      Kissing, since your lips are open and healing this can increase your chance of cold sores or STD's.

·      Smoking, the tar and smoke in them can alter color of pigments.

·      Sipping on hot beverages, be sure to use a straw.

·      Facials or other skin treatments.

·      Tanning and direct sunlight.

·      Picking or rubbing your lips.

·      Spicy or vinegar rich foods.

·      Dirty or used masks.


It will take about 1 week for your lips to completely heal.

 DAY 1:

Your lips will be swollen for the first 12-24 hours. This is normal, however, your lip will go back to their normal shape and size. The color of your lips will appear darker and more vibrant but will be lighter and softer once healed.

 DAYS 2 – 4:

Your lips will feel dry, tight and begin to peel. You will still need to apply healing ointment every 30 minutes to ensure your lips are staying hydrated and are healing properly.

 DAYS 4 – 7:

Your healing is almost complete, but your lips are not! You may notice small things you wish to adjust such as, making your lip blush a little darker or touching up spots that have faded. No need to worry, that's exactly what your 6 - 8 week perfecting appointment is for.